Saturday, 26 November 2016


Why are some people achievers while others aren't ? 

I always marvel at the life of an ant .... so tiny yet so strong and determined ! They seldom rest, constantly on the move collecting morsels for a rainy day. Have you ever tried putting an obstacle in their path? They smartly step around it !! Whats more, they even cart along any causalities in their path too. They laboriously carry a dead comrade to safe grounds. You can try your best to deviate them from their path but with little luck! They don't suffer interference either and with a sting can put you in your place! There's so much we can learn from them!  

Success does not come to people who wait and watch. It happens to those who grab it by the collar while they have the opportunity. Well, that's not to say that just being an opportunist guarantees you success.
If we look at the success stories around us of famous people, we should also know that it did not come about in a day or wasn't gifted to them on a platter. They toiled and sweated it out to reach where they are and this makes the fruits of their labor all the more delectable. A fruit plucked off from your garden tastes much better than the one picked off a shelf from a supermarket. The satisfaction of knowing that you watered and nurtured it definitely adds more value to it, doesn't it ? Well, I don't mean to belittle the exotic, luscious fruits at the upmarket fruit stalls, all packed and presented attractively.

Who doesn't love an inspirational story? Sometimes we need to take a leaf off their books to learn from their stories. The path to success is strewn with too many thorns but we ought to learn to walk around it.

" I have tried 99 times and have failed, but on the 100th time I succeeded ".  Albert Einstein. 

 There are times when you are discouraged and demotivated by people ..... attribute it to the green-eyed monster ! (Jealousy)

" You are never gonna reach your destination,
        If all you do is stop to throw stones
            at every dog that barks !"

This remains one of my favourite sayings to date.

" Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. The really great make you feel that you, too, can become great ".

The path to the top is always lonely, its said and truly said .... very few have lasted this far. Yours are the first footsteps in that direction, so draw strength from that. You are up there alone because everyone else who started with you on this journey have long since dropped off!!

 Keep trudging along even if the going gets tough. You may reach there, you may not reach there ! But the satisfaction that you never gave up is a something no one can rob you off. And in the end if you do drop off out of sheer exhaustion then don't feel disillusioned. Its your race. You win some, you lose some !! There's always a second chance ! Just like that dawn-break you so admire ..... another beautiful day shall dawn !

    Don't wait ..... get started today

       "   Take the first step in faith.
   You don't have to see the whole staircase.
             Just take the first step. "

                   Martin Luther King

Have a great and positive day ahead !!

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