A noun is a word for a person, animal, place, objects, substances, measures and quality. They are "naming" words.
Here are some examples of nouns :
* Nouns representing people :
Indian, soldier, carpenter, actor
* Nouns representing animals :
Peacock, tiger, whale, bee
* Nouns representing places :
Italy, house, theatre, temple
* Nouns representing objects :
Typewriter, rock, chair, spoon
* Nouns representing substances :
Ice, water, air, Copper
* Nouns representing qualities :
Kindness, happiness, bravery, beauty
* Nouns representing measures :
Month, inch, day, ounce

Nouns can be common or proper.
Common nouns : These are names of non-specific people, places or things. For eg, mother, street, mountain.
Proper nouns : These are the given names of people, places and things.
They always begin with capital letters. Eg, Narendra Modi, Mahatma Gandhi street, Himalayas, February ( months of a year), Thursday ( days of the week)
Nouns can be singular; for eg, boy, man, city, car
Nouns can be plural; for eg, boys, men, cities, cars
Abstract nouns : They are the names of things that cannot be perceived with your 5 senses
( sight, sound, smell, taste and touch). They are not physically present.
Eg, happiness, death, freedom, Christianity.
Concrete nouns : Names of things that physically exist. ( That which you can see, smell, hear, taste and touch).
Collective nouns : Names given to group of people, animal sand things.
Eg, herd of cows, crowd of people, bunch of flowers, pack of wolves, flock of birds.
There are nouns that are countable ; people, books, cars
and those that are uncountable ; water, air, sugar, sand
So there it is ..... all you wanted to know about nouns. They form the subjects In sentences.
* India is an Asian country.
* The book was very interesting.
* A herd of cows grazed near the fields.
* People all over the world speak English.
* The Prime Minister addressed the nation.
* Freedom came to India at midnight on 15th August 1947.
I presume that wasn't difficult to understand !! You now have mastered the first part of speech.
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