THE APOSTROPHE is a punctuation mark used to show possession (
ownership ) and omission ( contractions ).
They are used thus to show possession. The illustrated example
is of singular nouns.
Dog + apostrophe + s = dog's master ( single dog)
To show possession of plural
nouns -
Noun + s + apostrophe = plural
noun + apostrophe
= Dogs' master ( more than one dog)
= Dogs' master ( more than one dog)
An 's' after the apostrophe here
is unnecessary !!

The apostrophe is used in contractions to replace missing letters. Therefore,
Shall not = shan't
I have = I've
I will = I'll
have not = haven't .... and more
I have = I've
I will = I'll
have not = haven't .... and more
The first example is of a singular noun, the second plural !
Though the apostrophe seems so insignificant in size, it plays a significant role in the English language. It breathes more meaning into words. Use your apostrophes with caution!
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Did you think this lesson was well illustrated ? If so, please leave a comment.
Good to remind us of these rules