If there is a topic that is sure to interest people of all ages then it surely is "food".
So lets see if we can put together vocabulary related to food in as interesting a manner as possible !
The following verbs frequently appear in recipes.
These words and phrases will help you talk about food and related topics.

A Dish : a food item prepared in a particular way.
A Recipe : the various inputs to prepare a meal, along with the proportions and method.
A Course : is one part of a meal. An elaborate meal consists of many courses such as starters, a soup, the main meal consisting of multiple dishes, desserts etc.
Starters : a small portion of food and usually the first part of a meal.
Desserts : is usually the last in the meal.

Buffet : a system of serving meals in which food is placed in an area where the diners generally serve themselves.

Some more verbs related to food :
Bake : Cooked in the oven
My mother baked an amazing cake for my last birthday.
MICROWAVE : cooked in a microwave
You can microwave a cup of tea for 30 seconds for piping hot tea.
I love to help mama to cook.
I like to grill chicken when we have guests.
FRY/ SAUTEED : cooked in oil in a frying pan
The aroma of fish frying is making me hungry.
Always heat the food from the fridge after it thaws.
POACH : Eggs broken directly into boiling water
My dad prefers his eggs poached as he is very health conscious.
BARBECUE : To cook over a grill in the open using a barbecue

ROAST : cooked in oil in the oven
We have to roast the chicken for two hours.
STEAM : cooked over a saucepan of boiling water
It is best to eat steamed vegetables as they retain the nutrients.
STIR-FRIED : fried quickly in hot oil
The Chinese stir-fry their veggies.

STEWED : cooked for a long time on a low heat
BEAT :To mix continually, as in eggs
To make an omelette beat two eggs in a bowl ....

CARVE : To cut meat into slices
CHOP : To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables
I have yet to come across a person who can chop onions without shedding tears !

CRUSH : To flatten with force, as with garlic
Crushed ginger in tea is very soothing for a cold.
GRATE : To shred into small flakes as with cheese using a grater

KNEAD : To press and stretch dough, usually used with chapattis and bread

MELT : To make something liquid by heating, as with butter
Butter melts quickly during summers if left outside the fridge for long.
MINCE : A machine is used to grind meat into very small pieces
Minced meat is used to make cutlets.
PEEL : To remove the skin of fruits or veggies
Peel the apples before you eat it , it is safer.
POUR : To transfer liquid from one container to another

Could you pour me a glass of water please ?
SCRAMBLE : To cook the white and yellow of the egg in a pan by mixing
Scrambled eggs on bread make a great snack.
SLICE : To cut into thin pieces lengthwise

STIR : To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon in circular motions

ADD : To put ingredients together

Add lime and mint to black tea for a refreshing drink.
MEAT : ( "red meat")
lamb, pork or beef

POULTRY : ( "white meat")
Chicken, turkey,goose duck.

GAME : ("wild meat")
Rabbit and hare

Salt water fish/ sea fish or fresh water fish.

Prawns. lobsters, mussels and crabs, oysters and squid.


FRUITS : Strawberries
Kiwi fruit
Vocabulary related to tastes :
Bitter : The coffee tastes strong and bitter.
Bland : Yesterday's food tasted bland. it was absolutely tasteless.
Crisp : The biscuits are very crisp.
Sour : Lemons are sour.
Spicy : Mexican food is said to be spicy.
Food descriptions :
Fresh : Freshly picked veggies taste awesome.
Raw : Uncooked
Some vegetables such as carrots and cucumber are eaten raw.
Ripe : matured
You can make juice out of ripe mangoes.
Rotten : spoilt
The rotten fruits smelt terrible.
Tough : hard
The meat was tough. I could hardly chew it.
Tender : The meat was so tender that it seemed to melt in my mouth.
Under-cooked : Not cooked enough
The chicken was under-cooked today.
Over-cooked : The vegetables were over-cooked and so tasteless.
There are words to describe how we eat or drink that sometimes convey different meanings.
Bite : to take a taste of

Bite could also mean this :

Chew : Always chew the food well before swallowing.

Gobble : eat hastily and noisily.

Nibble : eating small bits at a time like a rabbit would do.
Sip : To drink little by little as if enjoying your drink.

Gulp down : To drink in a hurry

Stuff oneself : eat so much that you feel uneasy.
He stuffed himself so much that he felt sick.

Other related vocabulary
Menu : A booklet of all the food that is available at the restaurant.
Beverages : Drink of any kind other than water, including tea, coffee, hot chocolate and alcoholic beverages.

Cocktail : An alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit mixed with fruit juices.

Appetizer : a small snack or drink before the main meal.
Appetite : a strong desire for food.
I have lost my appetite ever since I fell ill.
Spices : strongly flavored substances from plants. They add special odour and taste to the food.

Artificial additives : they add tastes and flavour but they are synthetic substances and thus over usage could harm the body.
Containers and tools to help in your culinary pursuits.

Culinary skills : refers to skills in the kitchen or cooking skills.
Cutlery : Knives, forks and spoons used for cooking and eating.

Crockery : plates, dishes, cups and glasses which especially are made of earthen ware and china.
Let me point out some common phrases related to food.
A loaf of bread :

A cup of tea :

A glass of milk :

A slice of cheese :

A spoonful of honey :

A bowl of soup :

A piece of cake :

A pinch of salt :

A scoop of ice cream :

A carton of eggs :

So there, you have a wide array of typical vocabulary that is used to describe food and related activities. I have picked out the simplest forms to enable you to recognize and identify them and subsequently use them. A basic knowledge of these terms are essential in conversations regarding culinary pursuits.
Vocabulary , as you must be aware by now, are not limited to these words alone. In fact each word in itself will generate new vocabulary. I have only touched the tip of the iceberg. But these are good enough for beginners.
Why don't you try describing a party you attended using these words ?
Hope you find this lesson on vocabulary to your liking. Would you like to leave a comment on this post ?
Will be back with vocabulary related to different topics shortly in my next post.
If there is a topic that is sure to interest people of all ages then it surely is "food".
So lets see if we can put together vocabulary related to food in as interesting a manner as possible !
The following verbs frequently appear in recipes.
These words and phrases will help you talk about food and related topics.

A Dish : a food item prepared in a particular way.
A Recipe : the various inputs to prepare a meal, along with the proportions and method.
A Course : is one part of a meal. An elaborate meal consists of many courses such as starters, a soup, the main meal consisting of multiple dishes, desserts etc.
Starters : a small portion of food and usually the first part of a meal.
Desserts : is usually the last in the meal.

Buffet : a system of serving meals in which food is placed in an area where the diners generally serve themselves.

Some more verbs related to food :
Bake : Cooked in the oven
My mother baked an amazing cake for my last birthday.
MICROWAVE : cooked in a microwave
You can microwave a cup of tea for 30 seconds for piping hot tea.
I love to help mama to cook.
I like to grill chicken when we have guests.
FRY/ SAUTEED : cooked in oil in a frying pan
The aroma of fish frying is making me hungry.
Always heat the food from the fridge after it thaws.
POACH : Eggs broken directly into boiling water
My dad prefers his eggs poached as he is very health conscious.
BARBECUE : To cook over a grill in the open using a barbecue

ROAST : cooked in oil in the oven
We have to roast the chicken for two hours.
It is best to eat steamed vegetables as they retain the nutrients.
STIR-FRIED : fried quickly in hot oil
The Chinese stir-fry their veggies.

STEWED : cooked for a long time on a low heat
BEAT :To mix continually, as in eggs
To make an omelette beat two eggs in a bowl ....

CARVE : To cut meat into slices
CHOP : To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables
I have yet to come across a person who can chop onions without shedding tears !

CRUSH : To flatten with force, as with garlic
Crushed ginger in tea is very soothing for a cold.
GRATE : To shred into small flakes as with cheese using a grater

KNEAD : To press and stretch dough, usually used with chapattis and bread

MELT : To make something liquid by heating, as with butter
Butter melts quickly during summers if left outside the fridge for long.
MINCE : A machine is used to grind meat into very small pieces
Minced meat is used to make cutlets.
PEEL : To remove the skin of fruits or veggies
Peel the apples before you eat it , it is safer.
POUR : To transfer liquid from one container to another

Could you pour me a glass of water please ?
SCRAMBLE : To cook the white and yellow of the egg in a pan by mixing
Scrambled eggs on bread make a great snack.
SLICE : To cut into thin pieces lengthwise

STIR : To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon in circular motions

ADD : To put ingredients together

Add lime and mint to black tea for a refreshing drink.
MEAT : ( "red meat")
lamb, pork or beef

POULTRY : ( "white meat")
Chicken, turkey,goose duck.

GAME : ("wild meat")
Rabbit and hare

Salt water fish/ sea fish or fresh water fish.

Prawns. lobsters, mussels and crabs, oysters and squid.


FRUITS : Strawberries


Vocabulary related to tastes :
Bitter : The coffee tastes strong and bitter.
Bland : Yesterday's food tasted bland. it was absolutely tasteless.
Crisp : The biscuits are very crisp.
Sour : Lemons are sour.
Spicy : Mexican food is said to be spicy.
Food descriptions :
Fresh : Freshly picked veggies taste awesome.
Raw : Uncooked
Some vegetables such as carrots and cucumber are eaten raw.
Ripe : matured
You can make juice out of ripe mangoes.
Rotten : spoilt
The rotten fruits smelt terrible.
Tough : hard
The meat was tough. I could hardly chew it.
Tender : The meat was so tender that it seemed to melt in my mouth.
Under-cooked : Not cooked enough
The chicken was under-cooked today.
Over-cooked : The vegetables were over-cooked and so tasteless.
There are words to describe how we eat or drink that sometimes convey different meanings.
Bite : to take a taste of

Bite could also mean this :

Chew : Always chew the food well before swallowing.

Gobble : eat hastily and noisily.

Nibble : eating small bits at a time like a rabbit would do.
Sip : To drink little by little as if enjoying your drink.

Gulp down : To drink in a hurry

Stuff oneself : eat so much that you feel uneasy.
He stuffed himself so much that he felt sick.

Other related vocabulary
Menu : A booklet of all the food that is available at the restaurant.
Beverages : Drink of any kind other than water, including tea, coffee, hot chocolate and alcoholic beverages.

Cocktail : An alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit mixed with fruit juices.

Appetizer : a small snack or drink before the main meal.
Appetite : a strong desire for food.
I have lost my appetite ever since I fell ill.
Spices : strongly flavored substances from plants. They add special odour and taste to the food.

Artificial additives : they add tastes and flavour but they are synthetic substances and thus over usage could harm the body.
Containers and tools to help in your culinary pursuits.

Culinary skills : refers to skills in the kitchen or cooking skills.
Cutlery : Knives, forks and spoons used for cooking and eating.

Crockery : plates, dishes, cups and glasses which especially are made of earthen ware and china.
Let me point out some common phrases related to food.
A loaf of bread :

A cup of tea :

A glass of milk :

A slice of cheese :

A spoonful of honey :

A bowl of soup :

A piece of cake :

A pinch of salt :

A scoop of ice cream :

A carton of eggs :

So there, you have a wide array of typical vocabulary that is used to describe food and related activities. I have picked out the simplest forms to enable you to recognize and identify them and subsequently use them. A basic knowledge of these terms are essential in conversations regarding culinary pursuits.
Vocabulary , as you must be aware by now, are not limited to these words alone. In fact each word in itself will generate new vocabulary. I have only touched the tip of the iceberg. But these are good enough for beginners.
Why don't you try describing a party you attended using these words ?
Hope you find this lesson on vocabulary to your liking. Would you like to leave a comment on this post ?
Will be back with vocabulary related to different topics shortly in my next post.
informative one