If there is a topic that is sure to interest people of all ages then it surely is "food".
So lets see if we can put together vocabulary related to food in as interesting a manner as possible !
The following verbs frequently appear in recipes.
These words and phrases will help you talk about food and related topics.

A Dish : a food item prepared in a particular way.
A Recipe : the various inputs to prepare a meal, along with the proportions and method.
A Course : is one part of a meal. An elaborate meal consists of many courses such as starters, a soup, the main meal consisting of multiple dishes, desserts etc.
Starters : a small portion of food and usually the first part of a meal.
Desserts : is usually the last in the meal.
If there is a topic that is sure to interest people of all ages then it surely is "food".
So lets see if we can put together vocabulary related to food in as interesting a manner as possible !
The following verbs frequently appear in recipes.
These words and phrases will help you talk about food and related topics.

A Dish : a food item prepared in a particular way.
A Recipe : the various inputs to prepare a meal, along with the proportions and method.
A Course : is one part of a meal. An elaborate meal consists of many courses such as starters, a soup, the main meal consisting of multiple dishes, desserts etc.
Starters : a small portion of food and usually the first part of a meal.
Desserts : is usually the last in the meal.