Alas ! Your writing is incomplete without the use of these symbols which go by the name of Punctuation marks.
Although they look confusing, they really are quite easy to master - if you could grasp the various aspects of grammar in the previous blog-posts, then this isn't going to be tough !
Will it help if I put this lesson across in an easy, interesting and fun way ? So here goes !
Why do we need to use punctuation marks ?
Well, if you do want your writing to be understood by your readers with all its essence then, make sure you make proper use of it.
Punctuation marks are used to structure and organise your writing. It gives clarity and meaning to your writing.
Disastrous results follow faulty punctuations ! You become the butt of jokes when you forget to put the punctuations where they belong !
In some cases they lead to misleading and hilarious statements !

You see how punctuation can change the very meaning of a simple statement ?
Now you see why you seriously need to learn punctuation !
Let's have a brief look at the various punctuation marks :
- The period / full stop ( . )
- The exclamation mark ( ! )
- The question mark ( ? )
- The comma ( , )
- The colon ( : )
- The semicolon ( ; )
- The quotation mark ( " )
- The apostrophe ( ' )
- The hyphen / the dash ( - )
- The brackets / the parentheses ( )
Until my next post , bye !
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